Diary Post: Weekly recap

Just a diary post to recap how I spent my week :) 

Last week when I was in china town, I was recognised by a girl called Inni and her boyfriend.  She is one of my sisters subscribers and also wrote a comment on one of my early blog posts when I was in House of Fraser (where she worked).
 Well anyway, that day in China town she saw me again and said she was the one that commented.  We stood and spoke for a while and took some pictures :) she eventually added me on Facebook to send me pictures... we somehow ended up talking more and met up after work for some food!

Inni, if you are reading - it was lovely meeting you :) and yes, I will take you out make up shopping one day and teach you haha! Your boyfriend might hate me :P 

Inni also introduced me to some of her friends, who were also lovely! One guy also had a pretty awesome tshirt...  LOL my kind of humour!

If anyone does spot me in the street - feel free to say hello! I would love to take pics and post them on to my blog :D

On saturday, I went shopping ^-^ I bought some new storage for my room as it is starting to become a proper mess! In case you did not pick up, my room is quite small... which is perfect for a tiny person like me... however I do own a lot of stuff >.< and it all just looks cluttered without any proper storage!

My shoes and beauty products are my main issue so I picked these up:

Nothing major or huge as you can see but it helps!  The pink box is what I use to store my shoes... its suppose to represent a little chair/stool but when you lift up the seat area/lid, I can actually store things inside =D Like so:

Pretty neat!! The other baskets are for product and electrical storage!
I also picked up my favourite chocolates.. EVER! I used to buy these a lot when I worked in my last job but the dodgy shop that used to sell them discontinued :'( I had been searching them for ages and spontaneously FINALLY found them in Poundstretchers! Woop woop ^_^

I also done some clothes shopping too xD Could not help myself! I will do a separate post of the clothes that I bought. I have been avoiding boots and superdrug... I am trying not to buy too much make up :( as I still have a lot of new stuff to use.

Sunday (today), my usual yoga in the park was cancelled but I found another place to do it... ROOF TOP! It was quite far from home so I had to wake up extra early (on a weekend... that's dedication, man!)  to take a bus down.  

The session lasted an hour and costed ten pounds which is not too bad for yoga. Yoga is pricy :( but I really enjoy it.  It was lovely to work out under the sun, it just felt so much more refreshing... i will definitely return and do this again. 

I am so thankful for technology for enabling me to find out these cool work shops and also teaching me the best ways to travel.  CITYMAPPER IS AMAZING! If you are ever in London, download this app! It even tells you how many calories you have burnt from walking :D

Speaking of calories.... I HAVE ATE SO MUCH THIS WEEKEND. Sorry for the caps, but that is to emphasise how guilty I am but what's done is done and I only have myself (and my crazy appetite) to blame :)  Eat now and work out later...

In fact, before I started writing this post, I demolished a big portion of KFC. 

Random... I came across this when walking past the market! Am i the only one that notices the faces on the cardboard box? They are so cute ^_^ made me smile.  

A usual chore in the weekend is cleaning my make up brushes.  Obviously I do not use all of these brushes in one application. Some of the brushes are duplicates as I am too lazy to clean one half way through the week so I tend to use another one instead.

I can't stress how important it is for me to clean these as they build up so much dirt and grease... especially living in Polluted London.  It's so satisfying watching all the dirty residues coming off the bristles and on to the water.  Now they smell delicious and ready to be used again for the week :)

I posted the same image on to my instagram and a few people had asked me how do I clean them.  I basically use what's available in my house hold... soaps, shampoo, olive oil etc.... I would love to buy proper professional solutions to clean them but to be honest, it's a waste of money when other house hold products do the same job.

Recently, I have been using my nephews baby shampoo :) it's gentle, no harsh chemicals and it smells great!  This is the very one:

After washing, I leave them out to dry.  My sister taught me to use a towel with one side folded. I then place the brushes on at an angle with the brush tip facing down and the handle leaning on top of the levitated side.  The angle allows the water to pass down from the bristles and on to the towel, making it quicker to dry :)

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!!! 


  1. Hello! First off, I love both u and Bubz. And I'm gonna travel to London at the end of this month, I hope I get to meet u! ^^

  2. I really enjoy these type of posts! Looking forward to another round-up of your week :)

  3. I also use Johnson's baby shampoo to clean my makeup brushes. Hassle free and helps me clean so quickly! Also loving the 'How to pick up chicks' t-shirt, haha.


  4. I enjoyed reading your diary post of the week. You and bubz actually inspired me to start my own blog. My first post is sort of random, bit at least I gave it a try!


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