My life in Hong Kong - Part 1

Honestly long time no blog. I think it's been nearly 5 years since my last blog post? So it's pretty weird writing again. Although, I think most of you have been kept up to date with my life via instagram.

I came across an old blog post I wrote when I first moved to London ("My Life in London") and it's giving me so much old vibes. I suddenly have an urge to write again. So triggered.

So here's me writing about my time here, even though I moved here nearly half a year ago! A lot has happened so I'm going to have to split this post in several parts. I don't even know where to begin. I guess, why I moved here is a good start since everyone seems to ask me this question.

Why did I move to HK when I had such a good life in UK? Because I want to. I have always wanted to move to HK since graduating 8 years ago (damn you guys know my age now) but I let my fears and doubts stop me. I settled with London instead which I absolutely do not regret as I've had the best 5-6 years there, learning to live and look after myself, earn my own monies and meet new people from all over the world. I loved my time in London and it gave me confidence to move to HK. But was I too old? Is it too late? What if I can't get a job and drain all my savings? All these doubts ran through my head but I was still determined.

I was actually ready to move around the year 2016 when I broke up with an ex and London made me feel miserable. It's a complex story but simply put, I met Sean and he helped me be happy in London again. After a few years with this one, I moved in with him and we talked about getting our own place together and marriage. And from these talks, I realised there are still things I wanted to do for myself before settling down, and working/living in HK was one of them. It's honestly been the hardest decision to make because I was ultimately leaving a career, my social and love life behind for something I did not know would work. But it was a risk I was willing to make as I've delayed it long enough and if I didn't try, how would I know? So I impulsively booked my one way ticket and that was that. Of course, Sean wasn't happy we were going to separate but he always respects my wishes and happiness. I'm thankful I have such an amazing partner, family and friends that supports me. Of course, they had their doubts and worries. My parents advised me not to go but they will always support whatever decision I make. My close friends encouraged me to go and follow my dreams. How am I so lucky to have them?!

My leaving dos

My move/transition to HK was fairly straightforward. Literally packed my bags and left. Sean came with me and I took over his 30kg of luggage full of my belongings lol. I even brought my favourite foods and snacks in case I'd miss them too much (Turns out I didn't really).

We went to Bali first for a getaway before we separate and it was the best holiday ever. After, we landed in HK and he helped me settle in to my sister's flat. My sister and my brother in law were probably the biggest contributors and supporters.

One of the many dinners with my sis and brother in law
They willingly provided me a place to stay for some time, helped me with any questions regarding finances, tax and living, ANY general HK life queries since they lived here for many years.

Yoga at apartment
Working out with sis in HK

If it wasn't for their apartment, I'd be very very stressed. I was able to live and settle down comfortably whilst job hunting. I was able to turn unsuitable down jobs because I wasn't in a desperate situation to pay rent and bills, etc. This ultimately allowed me to land in to the perfect job which I am still amazed at myself for passing all the rounds of interviews and tests. I must admit, it is probably my biggest career achievement so far as it's pretty tragic for my role to not read or write Chinese in HK but my manager and team are really cool and had faith in me. Thankful once more!

Eating fish ball noodles with sis
London and Hong Kong, although both big cities, they are so different in many ways. Both expensive to live in, rent is extortionate but at least you get more space in London. Travelling is affordable, efficient and reliable in HK. I think my monthly fare is 1/4 of my London travel expense. Crazy!

Visiting my family's village for the first time
London is mostly cold, wet and dull but HK is usually warm and sunny, with some scary typhoons thrown in the odd time. Culturally, HK is still a bit more reserved and traditional. I have to be careful not to show too much skin as the men here really do stare, especially the older and middle aged age group. Sorry to generalise but this is what I noticed and it makes me feel so uncomfortable.

A lot of HK girls are so slim which actually affected my mental health at one point, and maybe it still does to be honest but that's a topic for a different post. The food in HK is amazing though. You can eat out fairly cheap but if you want to eat healthy, Ha! Prepare to burn a hole in your pocket. Expect to pay about 70-100 HKD for a salad or a wrap, which is about half the amount more than UK. I was so shocked but I am slowly training my mind to not compare the prices to back home. You just can't and I need to remind myself I am paying for a better health and there's no cost to that.

Next part I'd talk about moving out of my sisters flat and into my current flat share apartment, social life, weight gain, fitness in HK, my current day to day routine, being in a long distance relationship  and any future plans.

Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment as I really like to know if I should continue or not :)


  1. Your courage is fierce. Hopefully everything will continue to go amazing and this chapter of your life really fulfills your dreams.

  2. YES please continue!! I have loved following your journey and enjoy speaking to you via IG aswell. x

  3. oh my gosh this brings back memories i remember reading your blog posts years back~ yes please do continue writing! i look forward to the next one ^^

  4. Yes continue writing!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Omg I'm so excited you're blogging again! Welcome back! Lol, I'm actually moving fairly soon to a new city too so this gives me a lot of inspiration and courage (also to live with my sister for a bit, haha!). Thanks for writing, I looo forward to reading your future blog posts!

  7. Yes please continue!! I love reading your blog... it's so inspiring!

  8. Loved reading this! write more :) ive been a fan if bubz for years, thats how i know you

  9. So beautiful to see you there! I hope you enjoyed being in HK.

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  12. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


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