My long weekend home

Please note I wrote this yesterday during my train ride back to London...

Hi Guys!! My long weekend at Northern Ireland has come to an end...Here is a quick recap of all the things I'd done.  Sorry it's so late! :)

On Friday, I went to have lunch with Joey :) I was desperate for some stew and she is the one to call for last minute plans! ^_^ love how we do not even say hi. Just straight to the point lol!

I had Irish stew and she had an Ulster fry

Good old traditional irish stew :)

Ulster fry is basically our equivalent of a traditional english breakfast except we also have soda bread and potato bread. I don't think I've had a full Ulster fry before... Never understood the craze. I'm happy with some bacon eggs and toast ^_^

MORE FRUIT JUICES from slims <3 


I've had one of these everyday... Simply because I love fruit juices and I always managed to be near one :) Check out the cool grassy wall behind me!

Joey and M&M


Friday night was family night! I'm very happy that my extended family took their time to see me! I'm feeling the love, guys! Thanks! I know you guys will be reading this :)

We took Mac and Mia to the park. 


BOY they are hard work. I had Mac on the leash and he kept dragging my arm :( 

I do wonder how my granny manage to walk BOTH of them every morning. Kudos for granny Tsang! 

My dogs are just so beautiful :) enjoy a few more snaps of them

After the park we enjoyed a lovely meal at home by granny. I have missed her cooking so much! However, granny was being a grump because she did not expect to cook for so many people... Oops! But she did enjoy seeing people eat her food... Or shall I say FORCING people to eat her food lol. It's a rule in my household, once you enter you cannot and must not say no to food or you will be faced with a very angry granny! Maybe that's why we had so many chubby children (including myself) growing up within our family!

Good job I had a gym session at mid night with Joey as I felt very guilty stuffing my face during dinner and lunch. This trip back to Ireland I did not hold back xD I AM EATING EVERYTHING I'VE MISSED OUT!

Productive mid night gym session:

Kudos for Joey, my brother, auntie & ToTo for being my drivers this weekend. It sucks that I no longer have a car to drive :( despite owning a license. It's really inconvenient!

SATURDAY involved having lunch with my mummy and auntie C. I forgot what a silly pair they are lol but very cute :) don't you think they look alike? 

With mommybear :)

Our food from Graze Belfast:

We talked about many things... Was nice catch up ^_^ although it was weird because I had to speak mostly Cantonese... I usually only speak English or Hakka to my mum! Not because I can't speak Cantonese... It just felt awkward and very distant speaking a different  language to my mother, despite Cantonese being her mother tongue. Does anyone get this problem?

That night my auntie Bingo came to visit and made me food ^_^ aren't I so loved. We (she, really) made yakult gum candies, they were so yummy! 

The recipe is on my Instagram if you guys want to try it out yourself :) 

Saturday consist of dying my hair! I was contemplating whether to go dark or stay fair but Carmen convinced me to stay with light brown. So I used my fav Liese Milk Tea brown bubble hairdye...

As you can see from above, the result is not a big change from my previous colour... Which I don't mind :) at least my roots were well and truly coloured. Poor boyfriend had to deal with my hairdye scented hair the whole night xD he was not a happy bunny. 

Sunday, which is today :'( I have to return back to London. Not that it's a bad thing. I just had a very good time being with my family, boyfriend and friends. 

Today I spent my afternoon with my boyfriend. He took my out for lunch in Belfast ^^ we went to a place called Barking dog. I ordered my favourite fish pie...

It was super tasty!... However very filling :X so many different types of fish as well as eggs lol random?  Good job I did not order any starters. Although, we did order some sweet potato fries ^_^ that is a must!

I feel like I should just change this blog to a food blog lol! In all honesty, I actually don't have the privilege to eat this much in London... Which is weird because London is FILLED WITH TASTY FOOD!

Anyway... It was really nice that I get to spend my last day with my boyfriend. He's always so busy with work so I did not get to spend much time with him. Although I do appreciate him driving up and down the country to see me :D he works an hour away so it is a lot of driving especially when he needs to start work "early"the next day. (According to him 1pm is early lol!)

As much as I love NI, it's time to go back to London to kick start my career. I'm looking forward to starting my new job tomorrow :)

It's going to be a massive change to my last job but it will be good experience ^_^ wish me luck guys! Now to rest before the big day. 



  1. Good luck on ur first day at new job, although I follow you on insta and I see you've already started :) I'm sure u wowed them.

    I speak Cantonese and English as my first languages. I can understand and listen to some Chinese and Hakka but you have to speak so slow for me to be able to understand haha. I wish I learnt more in Chinese school tbf. Looking forward to ur next blog post :) keep it up! :)

  2. Hi April,
    Your blog is fantastic, it's so easy to read! What breed of dog is Mac and Mia?
    Thanks :)
    - also there is a small typo where you have written recipe

  3. Loved your weekend! ^~^ M&M r so cute!!!

  4. loved ur weekend


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