Family time and a broken heart

Hi guys,

Decided to blog tonight :) I hope everyone is well!

A lot has happened these past weeks, and I don't even know where to begin! One of the biggest thing was the I have recently turned single. My boyfriend and I decided to go separate ways due to many complications. So in the last week, I have been nurturing my broken heart and picking myself up. It's been a week and I can honestly say, I feel a lot better (the first few days are the worst T-T). But yeah, life goes on right? There are times when I feel miserable and completely broken... but thanks to my amazing family, I have over come many of these moods.

I am really thankful for having two amazing brother in laws! Yes brother in laws! Although, we are not family by blood, they honestly treat me like their own little sister. Don't know if you guys are aware, I have two! Kevin and Tim.

I live with Kev and my sister Claire in London. When my sis was away, he took me out to comfort eat. We had delicious korean food and he was forever asking me if I was okay and checking up on me even though I was not in the mood to talk. We did some tourist things as well when his cousin came to London, which helped! WE WENT TO HARRY POTTER LAND!!! I have filmed but I need to edit >.< give me time.

Now my other brother in law... Timmy which you guys all know. He has been amazing and probably the only person I've opened up to since this break up. It's easier through the phone than face-to-face in my opinion! Although he is thousands of miles away and in a different time zone, he always makes time to talk to me and giving me his true opinion on things. He would tell me the truth if I am being stupid or if I am making the wrong choices etc. He does not feed me lies and I appreciate that. He always sends me pics of himself pulling hilarious faces and many pics of Isaac to cheer my up :')

But nevertheless, I am so proud to have such wonderful brother in laws in my family. And not to mention my own family :) We have our own crazy family chat on whats app and they never fail to make my laugh... even without trying...

Here is a brief everyday summary of our family chat:
Lots of baby photos and pictures of Isaac and Penny - its lovely to see both grow up and what they learn
Lindy and Tims parenting... funny knowing about them becoming parents the first time
Auntie Bingo's baking
Kai's constant partying - Boy just started uni
Kai's daily student meals  - he's actually pretty good for a student!
Yannie gushing over her post-marriage life - she's still so happily in loveeee!
Plenty of 'I'm in the toilet' selfie pics from... everyone!
Ricky, Leon and Josh's random reappearance... they come and go!
Sneaky cousin Kate  - shes always reading but never replies!!!
Constant changing chat name and picture -_- every day it's different
Chirstmas discussions
Lots of poo talk
Lots of other random junk...

 The chat is growing, we started off with 3 members (me lindy and Kev, so we can be updated with baby pictures of benji) Now after three babies and a few weddings, there is now over 10 members!!! Soon my mum and dad and granny will be wanting to join XD

We just talk about the craziest things! I love my family :)

Everyone should appreciate theirs, be thankful to have them.

So yes, apart from my broken heart, a lot of other things has happened but I really don't have the time to blog about each and every event :(
But if you have me on instagram, feel free to have a nosy! My username is @apecakes

Catch up another time!


  1. I think you're a very loving and beautiful young women, April! <3 I absolutely ADORE your blog, and checks EVERY DAY to see if you've posted a new blog-post or (even better, heeehe ;D) uploaded a new video!
    You'll find your prince one day, I PROMISE YOU! <3 Oh, and did I mention that you're one of my biggest role models? ^^
    Boyfriends comes and goes, but family and friends (+ readers/viewers) will ALWAYS be here for you. Please take your time and don't push or rush yourself into posting or editing. Don't worry, I'll be waitin' ʕ•̫͡•ོʔ•̫͡•ཻʕ•̫͡•ʔ•͓͡•ʔ

    Btw, have you heard Selena Gomez's newest song? I think it's a very nice song, but don't really know if you're into that kind of music, haaha. But if you haven't heard it yet, here's the link:

    Lots of love from Norway! ;)

  2. You have such a wonderful family April, I don't think there's anything you couldn't get through when you have them! Big hugs x

  3. Hello April,

    I too have become single after 5.6 years of a relationship with someone; it's been 3 weeks so far and just like you, my family have been absolutely amazing. It gets easier I promise you, and luckily the fact you were long distance will make it easier to get used to them not being in your life. At times it will feel like life is rather empty but keep planning exciting adventures with friends and family to look forward to, and using your new found freedom to start a new hobby or experience a passion! You're a gorgeous, gold hearted lady so you will definitely find love again easily! Maybe we should meet and do retail therapy, you can show me London's shopping land haha. One thing that I found that really helped was watching a movie series (Harry Potter all the way and then Narnia!); take care April, you are strong and independent and you will be fine!~♥

    If you wanna chat, you can find me under Kawaii_Kanae (Instagram) or email me at ^_^ xxx

  4. I'm glad you have such a wonderful family to back you up! I recently broke up with my boyfriend too. We were together for almost 2 years & 4 months (so not as long as yours I think?) Anyway, we parted ways not because we grew out of love but because it was time we focused on ourselves, uni and work. From now onwards, things will only get better! I hope you enjoy the rest of the week. Thank you for opening up to your readers too. ♡

    1. Omg same thing happened to me. I just broke up with bf that I've been with for two years and we grew out of love and we needed to focus on ourselves. Honestly I think it's for the best. I can have time to be alone and work hard on school. Sorry about your breakup.. I think I'm beginning to feel alright again and I'm so happy. Thank you time for healing my heart ;u;

  5. It's ok April, things happen and we just have to learn to accept them. And you never know, maybe it was for the best. I'm glad that you are feeling better and that your family is supporting. You're a strong woman and I believe that one day you will find your man and have a lovely family like Claire and Lindy. Just know that you'll always have your family and us subbies by your side. I love you and I wish you the best <3 <3

  6. Hey April! I'm glad to hear that you're doing better and that your family are great supporters! The same thing happened to me about two weeks ago, and seriously, the first few days SUCKED..but hey, we both got over it! *cheers!* :) I know that words like 'there's someone better,' 'it's meant to happen,' 'it's for your goods,' won't help, but I hope that you keep the hope that it really IS for your best. There are many things/places you haven't explore or experience!! There are many GREAT opportunities coming your way :) GRAB IT!!
    I'm sure you knew it already, but I'm happy you're reminded of your family's support and love! Stay strong! We will get through this :)

  7. Hi April!
    First off, I would like to say that I'm really enjoying your vlogs and reading your blog. It something I really look foward too (constantly stalking your youtube/blog for new updates :). You've improved so much whether that's lighting or editing your videos. Nevertheless, no rush in putting up new videos/blogging. We all understand what you're going through.

    I hope you're feeling better especially reading all the positive comments from your subbies :) It's so awesome to know that when you're feeling down you have so many people (friends and especially family!!) to talk to and be there for you. It is such a blessing! Don't keep your feelings in and remember to talk to them whenever you feel unhappy. Hopefully our comments will also cheer you up as you walk through this rough time. I'll be praying for you so hang in there April! You're such a bubbly girl and I know one day, you'll find the right guy for you. I know for myself, I'm sometimes jealous of the people out there who have an amazing boyfriend and I wonder 'where's mine?'. I've learned to be patient (although sometimes I forget) and to remember to let the right one find me.

    Lastly, here's a quote that I read that I like to think of whenever I'm going through a rough time: "this is just a season and season change". So have faith and know that you will get through this time! You'll mature and learn through this experience. I'm here for you too! Love you April!

  8. Aww sorry April to hear what happen. All I can say sometimes its better to let someone go and see if they come back. I know its hard sometimes but time will give you the answers. Maybe time was not right at the moment and your prince is still out there. Remember that we need to feel all these emotions in order to know we are alive and human. Remember all those good times and take them with you never give up on your dreams sweetie!!!

  9. I read your blog last month and was thinking how sad it was to hear that you and your boyfriend had broken up. my thoughts were the same as the others commenting. boyfriend of almost 5 years has just broken up with me as he no longer loves me. my heart feels sore especially as we were planning to buy a house together. all that is now gone. I feel so heartbroken. he lives with me and we both work from home....
    how long did it take for you to get over the heartbreak?

  10. Please teach me how you were so strong to deal with this, because I have no idea where I'm going or what to do


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