My Time In london: Career Talk

Can you believe it's October already?! This means I have officially nearly been in London for A YEAR! Where did the time go?  A lot of people has questioned about my life in London so I thought I would use this post to tell you a bit more.

Before London
After graduating university, I worked in my family's restaurant until I found my first job as a graphic designer.  I worked in a company that specialises in blood testing... an odd choice, I know. But at that point, I was very desperate so I took it hoping I would gain more experience.

Working in the restaurant with my mother and brother

This is me on my first day at work. I was very happy to wear professional attire! I am wearing my very first pair of heels that I bought for myself for this job. I still currently wear them :)

My work was situated in the country side (which was a mission to drive to!) and they also owned a Llama. I got to see this guy when I drive to and from work haha!

Wearing a lab coat... because I could!

However, after working for 9 months I decided to quit as I felt that I was not being used to my fullest potential and was having some problems with management.  Northern Ireland is pretty small and the opportunities are very limited.  I was unemployed for a month or two.... during this time I went to Hong Kong to look after my sister's dogs Chubbi and Domo for 5 weeks whilst they went on their honeymoon.  Although, they encouraged me to stay and look for a job in HK, I decided to return home to my family and boyfriend.  I returned to Northern Ireland for a week and was fed up of the lack of jobs available in Belfast. With my families' encouragement, I decided to move over to London to further my career.  

As I am such a baby, moving was a big step.  My mother and Lindy bought me some essentials ^_^ Aren't they sweet!

Mum got me a super light waterproof coat

Lindy got me a pair of hunter welly boots for the typical UK weather

My time in London
I chose London because my sister Claire resides there.  She and her husband put a roof over my head and looked after me whilst I was job hunting.  As both of them are also in the creative industry, they gave me A LOT of advice.  My 9 months at my previous work place gave me insufficient experience therefore I looked for internships.

The good thing about being a designer is that it allows me to work in many different sectors! My sister told me to look for something that I had an interest in. My choices? Yep you got it, beauty and fashion.  I ended up with two interviews - Lipsy and L'Occitane.

After several interviews, I decided L'Occitane was better for me (Lipsy isn't really my style and fashion is a VERY competitive industry!).  I decided not to continue my recruiting process with Lipsy and accepted my position as a Junior Graphic Design Intern at L'Occtiane. 

I remember my first day commuting to work. So much people x.x
For those who has been to Oxford Street, you will understand... I had to deal the commuters and tourists every day!

Check me out in a L'Occitane apron! I don't usually wear aprons to work by the way... I had to do a store training thing....and suddenly somehow found time for a selfie, obv!

One of my first project was making gift tags for Chinese New Year. 

Then it was Valentines day gift tags.  

These may seem very easy but I was very proud. Why? Because I get to see my designs distributed all across the UK! My friends and family back in Ireland could pop in to a L'Occitane store and see my artwork. I was very chuffed.

After gifts tags, I  began working on more complexed projects! I created advertisements for magazines (such as Vogue, Elle, John Lewis and a lot more) and all the signages for retail and wholesale! 

One of my campaigns! I created all the table signages and window dispays :)

Magazine adverts

I also ended up doing packaging design...
Check out some product boxes that I worked on

L'Occitane is a great company to work for. Everyone in the office was friendly, my manager and team were awesome and it was great that we all had something in common - we liked beauty! 

We occasionally had team lunches!

I made friends with wonderful people!

Extra Large French macarons anyone?

They celebrated my birthday!

My italian manager made us italian lunch, which we ate in the park :)

The best thing is that I learnt SO much working there. I thought I could use the Adobe Creative suite... but apparently not. There were so much more to learn and every day I encounter new challenges and experiences. Did I mention free french classes? YES! Every friday morning, I took french classes. Did I mention free goodies? YES! Every month we were allocated products to try.  Most of them were new products for the current campaign :)

My contract was 6 months, but they decided to extend it for another 3 months (because I'm just THAT awesome :D)  Although, I could have stayed longer but I unfortunately decided it was time to go.  Leaving was difficult because I bonded so well with everyone...

My leaving do

My experience in L'Occitane really helped me get a job. I was unemployed for a week before I started my next job. I still currently work in London but no longer in the beauty sector.  I have decided to try a different field :) but I won't say what and where it is as I prefer to keep that in the down low.  I am really enjoying my current job, and again, I am learning a lot from my current manager and co-workers.  As Augustus says in The fault in our stars... "I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up".  This is how I am feeling right now.  I am proud that I have come so far and I have a long journey to go! I am just thankful  I have so many lovely people supporting me.

London opened up a lot of opportunities for me.  It was a HUGE move and although it meant that I had to leave my family, friends, boyfriend, dog, car behind... I do not regret moving over as I have kick-started my career! I am finally working to my fullest potential and earning a lot more than I did in Northern Ireland.

I may make it sound so easy but don't get me wrong.  London was difficult in the beginning as I felt like I had nobody.  What really help was that I live with my sister and her family.  I get to see my baby nephew grow up.

Because I did not need to pay rent, I could afford to take several trip back to N. Ireland to see my friends and family. Oh and I also had lots of visitors since moving to London :) 

Visiting me...

and my boyfriend...

I'm not sure how my future will turn out and where I would end up but I do know is that I'm going the right way :) and I'm happy to say, I've conquered London... It truly is a BIG city...

And I'm that little girl in a big city ^_^

Have you any career goals?
Ever want to move away? Let me know!
Any questions? Leave me some below!

Now it's time for bed!
Good night :)
Ps: would anyone be interesting in 'Things to do in London' posts?


  1. Yay april! I'm happy that you're doing something you love:) I hope I can find what I love too someday as well.^^

  2. Hi April!
    First of all, I just wanted to say that I really, really love your blog and YT Channel! I love your accent, your new hairstyle, YOU as person and basically just everything else! I first started to follow you bc of Bubz, and when I started reading your blog I became a true fan of you!!
    You really inspired me to start my own blog, and first I thought it was fun (I still do! And I REALLY love doing it!!) but then it got a little bit harder for me to post often enough for my readers, AND focus on school. I am just 15, so I KNOW school will be A LOT harder in the future. I really need some advice.......should I quit blogging and focus on school, or should I try both at a time? I don't know........... :(

    (Lots of love from Norway! <3)

    1. Hello! Sorry for the late reply... first of course, SCHOOL COMES FIRST hunni! They focuses and stay motivated. With Blogging, just keep that as a side project :) that's what i do. Work comes first and whatever time i have left, i use it to blog and shoot videos. That is why im pretty slow at making videos. Sometimes it's nice to take a break at studying and post a random blog to de-stress! Hope this helps :) thank you for your support!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi April, your path to finding your dream job is so inspiring and beautiful. I was wondering, what did you study in university? And how did you come across the internship opportunity at l'occitane? Thank you and keep blogging!!

    1. I studied a Media arts degree and majored in graphic design. I came across L'occitane randomly at a job seeking website. I applied and just my luck, they got back to me :)

  4. Hi April!

    I had a great time reading your post today, I can relate to so many things you mentioned, it's pretty amazing! I have moved from little Switzerland to England (Kent) exactly one year ago and a few months ago I was finally able to find a job in London. It was such a shock at first when I started my career in London...for someone from such a small, organized country the mass of people, the constant rushing and all the activity was very overwhelming. I also discovered how hard it was to start over in London, I had many interviews, lots of competition but then one day got an internship that ended up in me getting a contract for an awesome company. I'm so happy right now and currently looking for a flat closer to London (which is a whole other level of fighting for a place haha). It's very hard to make it in London but if you work hard and are dedicated you get so much back!

    I hope you keep writing about your experience in London as it truly helps me being able to relate to someone who is going through the same process :)

    1. Awww we really are in the same situation! Congrats for doing so well honey, really proud of you! Keep working hard ^_^ good luck in house hunting. I have to do that soon >.<

  5. This was a lovely story of your journey so far. Would love to hear more about your life in London and what there is to do. As I usually visit family, go shopping, eat out and hunt for macarons :) and hopefully find you that soya milk. Haha.

    My career goal was meant to be like yours to go forth in design but like you I struggled I did countless internships all unpaid and sacrificed time with no end result. In the end reality hit where I just had to work full time and get by in life. But now I'm in a career that I get to see the development of products and I'm happy. However I commute some days up to 3.5hrs in traffic and realistically have to leave the nest to be closer to my work. But I'm happy. :)
    Thank you for sharing and thank you for chatting on Instagram. You are a lovely person and don't ever let negative comments get you down or you think otherwise :) x

  6. Did you ever submit a portfolio for your internship? I'm so dreading to do those which why I can't find a decent internship to intern in...

    1. Yes, I had to submit a portfolio. It was not amazing as I lacked experience but that's what internships for right? Just make one as best as you can, put your best work at the front :) good luck

  7. I love your blog April and especially this post! I would love if my career would go so great as yours. Right now it seems like such a struggle for me to even graduate :( Not to mention my fears of getting a job and starting that chapter in my life :( Were you ever afraid like this or is it just me?

    1. Hi, sorry for the late reply. Of course i was scared. It's normal and you aren't alone. Once you get a job, that's it... you just need to take the first step and everything with flow afterwards. Just work hard and stay focused. Be motivated in job hunting, it's really discouraging the first month or two but trust me, it does take time and time will pay off =) good luck!

  8. Hi April,
    It was great reading this blog post.. congratulations on how far you've come and it's amazing the work and sacrifices you've made to get there! Also, I'd love to read a 'things to do in London' post! ^_^ I just moved to London myself for a placement year part of my undergraduate course, and I really want to make the most of being here although I don't know many people in the city. It really is like rushing around amongst hundreds of people~

  9. i'm so happy and proud for your future. my career goals is to be a well known fashion photographer and i'd love to move to london to put my foot in the door but i know that if i do, it'll be a very long time until i will see my friends and family because i'm all the way from australia.
    but i'm so happy for your career choices and you inspire me!

  10. Hi April, I am feeling happy for you. Currently, I am still in the midst of finding a job & its so hard for me. Been jobless for 2 months & going 3. Feeling really depressed :(


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